
    If your question is not addressed below, please contact us through our support form and we'll get back to you shortly.


    faq What is endpoint cloud backup?
    faq Wie aktiviere ich die Datensicherung für mein RemotePC-Konto?
    faq How do I configure remote backup for my computers?
    faq How does remote backup secure my data?


    faq How do I perform backup for a computer?
    faq What is a backup plan?
    faq How do I create a backup plan?
    faq Can I define a backup rule for selecting files in my backup plan?
    faq How do I modify an existing backup plan?
    faq How can I exclude certain files / folders from being backed up?
    faq How do I propagate backup plans to devices and groups?
    faq Can I disable the backup plan?
    faq How can I delete a backup plan?
    faq Can I stop ongoing backups of all devices in one click?
    faq How can I remove the backup agent from a computer?
    faq What is Continuous Data Protection (CDP)? How do I enable CDP?
    faq What are 'Snapshots' in Remote Backup?
    faq How do I perform snapshot based restore?
    faq Can I backup my mapped / external drives with RemotePC?
    faq How do I restore my backed up data to a new computer in case my system crashes?
    faq Can I update the RemotePC Backup application for all my users?
    faq Can I view reports of my backup / restore operations?

    What is endpoint cloud backup?

    RemotePC Backup ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre Computer in der Cloud zu sichern. Die Endpunkt-Backup-Funktion ist in die bestehende RemotePC-Infrastruktur integriert. Benutzer können das Backup für die gewünschten Computer aktivieren und die Daten vor Ransomware und Datenverlust schützen.

    Wie aktiviere ich die Datensicherung für mein RemotePC-Konto?

    To enable backup for your account,

    1. Sign in to your RemotePC account.
    2. Go to the 'Backup' tab.
    3. Click 'Enable Online Backup'.
    4. Select a backup plan.
    5. Click 'Proceed' in the confirmation popup.
    6. Click 'Continue' to confirm account upgrade.

    Once backup is enabled for your account, you will receive dashboard and email notification.

    How do I configure remote backup for my computers?

    To enable backup,

    1. Sign in to your RemotePC account.
    2. Click 'Enable Backup' next to the computer you want to backup.
    3. Click 'Activate Backup'. The backup agent will be downloaded and installed on your computer.
    4. Once your computer is configured for backup, click Remote-Backup.
    5. Click 'Manage Backup'. You will be redirected to the backup console.

    The computer will be backed up as per the default Backup Plan. You can also modify the default plan or create new.

    How does remote backup secure my data?

    Remote backup uses industry standard 256-bit AES encryption on transfer and storage to ensure that all your data is secure.

    How do I perform backup for a computer?

    To perform backup,

    1. Sign in to your RemotePC account.
    2. Klicken Sie auf Remote-Backup next to the computer you want to backup.
    3. Click 'Manage Backup'. You will be redirected to the backup console.
    4. Bewegen Sie den Mauszeiger auf den gewünschten Computer und klicken Sie auf remotepc.
    5. Click 'Change', to add or remove files/folders from the default backup plan.
    6. Click 'Backup Now'.

    The backup progress will appear on screen.

    What is a backup plan?

    A backup plan is a set of rules that determine the nature of data protection on a particular computer.

    When you enable remote backup for your computer, a backup plan is created by default with predefined folders and applied on the computer. You can view the backup plan, modify and disable the backup rules, and rename the plan name from the 'Backup Plan' tab. However, you cannot delete the default backup plan.

    You can also create a new backup plan with certain backup configurations and push it to the selected computers at a time.

    How do I create a backup plan?

    To create a backup plan,

    1. Klicken Sie auf Remote-Backup against a configured computer and select 'Manage Backup'.
    2. In the backup console, go to the 'Backup Plan' tab and click 'Create Plan'.
    3. Hover over the default plan name and the 'Rename Backup Plan' popup appears. Enter the desired name and click 'Save'.
    4. Modify the menu options:
    5. Devices/Groups : Click 'Add'. Select devices or groups to be added from the 'All Devices' or 'Groups' tab respectively. Click 'Done'.

      What to backup? : Click 'Specify'. From the 'Using policy rules' drop-down list choose the items for backup. Click 'Customize' to add items to the backup set. Click 'Done'.


      Where to backup? : Choose 'Cloud Storage' or 'Local Storage' as backup destination.

      Schedule : You can set your backup schedule here and click 'Done'.

      • Backup start time : Set the time at which your scheduled backup should start.
      • Daily schedule : Select this option to run your backup jobs daily.
      • Weekday(s) : Select the days of the week when you wish to run your backup jobs.
      • Start backup immediately : Select this option to run a backup job immediately.
      • Cut off time : Set the time at which your scheduled backup should stop.
      • Email notification : Select this option to receive email notifications on the status of the scheduled backup job. Enter the email address on which you want to receive the notifications.
        1. Notify always - Select this option to get notifications always.
        2. Notify on failure - Select this option to get the notifications only when there are failures.
      • Start the missed scheduled backup when the computer is turned on : Select this option to resume a missed scheduled backup job due to the computer being turned off.

      Exclude Files / Folders : Click 'Add'. Exclude hidden or system files from the backup set. Add full or partial file/folder names to exclude them from being backed up. Click 'Done'.

    6. Click 'Create'.

    Once the backup plan is created, it will be automatically applied to the selected devices / groups and the backup will start immediately or at the scheduled time, according to the selected option.

    Can I define a backup rule for selecting files in my backup plan?

    Yes, you can define a backup rule for selecting files / folders in all your backup plans.

    There are two ways for selecting files / folders, either by using policy rules or by customized selection method.

    To select files / folders using policy rules,

    1. Klicken Sie auf Remote-Backup against a configured computer and select 'Manage Backup'.
    2. In the backup console, go to the 'Backup Plan' tab and click 'Create Plan'.
    3. Under 'What to backup? option, click 'Specify' and select 'Using policy rules'.
    4. Click 'Add Rule' and select any of the pre-defined rules.
    5. Click 'Done'.

    How do I modify an existing backup plan?

    To modify an existing backup plan,

    1. Klicken Sie auf Remote-Backup against a configured computer and select 'Manage Backup'.
    2. In the backup console, go to the 'Backup Plan' tab and navigate to the backup plan you wish to modify. Hover on the backup plan name and click remotepc.
    3. In the 'Update Plan' screen that appears, modify your backup plan details and click 'Update'.

    How can I exclude certain files / folders from being backed up?

    You can exclude certain hidden and system files / folders from being backed up, based on full path names or partial names.

    To exclude files / folders,

    1. Klicken Sie auf Remote-Backup against a configured computer and select 'Manage Backup'.
    2. In the backup console, go to the 'Backup Plan' tab and click 'Create Plan'.
    3. In the 'Create Plan' screen that appears, click 'Add' against the 'Exclude Files / Folders' field.
    4. Add the files and folders you wish to exclude from backup, and click 'Done'.

    To exclude files / folders from the remote management console,

    1. In the 'Devices' tab, hover on the computer you wish to backup, and click remotepc.
    2. In the 'Backup' tab, click 'View excluded files'.
    3. Add the files and folders you wish to exclude from backup. You can also exclude system files / folders and hidden files / folders by selecting the appropriate checkbox.
    4. Klicken Sie auf "Änderungen speichern".

    How do I propagate backup plans to devices and groups?

    To propagate a backup plan,

    1. Klicken Sie auf Remote-Backup against a configured computer and select 'Manage Backup'.
    2. In the backup console, go to the 'Backup Plan' tab.
    3. Hover on the backup plan name you wish to propagate, and click remotepc.
    4. Select the Devices or Groups to which you want to propagate the backup plan from the 'All Devices' or 'Groups' tab, respectively.
    5. Click 'Propagate'.

    Can I disable the backup plan?

    Yes, you can disable a backup plan.

    Zum Deaktivieren,

    1. Klicken Sie auf Remote-Backup against a configured computer and select 'Manage Backup'.
    2. In the backup console, go to the 'Backup Plan' tab and select the backup plan you wish to disable.
    3. Click the 'Disable' button.
    4. In the popup that appears, click 'Disable'.

    To enable the same, select the backup plan and click the 'Enable' button. Click 'Yes' in the popup that appears

    How can I delete a backup plan?

    To delete a backup plan,

    1. Klicken Sie auf Remote-Backup against a configured computer and select 'Manage Backup'.
    2. In the backup console, go to the 'Backup Plan' tab and select the backup plan you wish to delete.
    3. Click the 'Delete' button.
    4. In the popup that appears, select the confirmation checkbox and click 'Delete'.

    On deleting a backup plan, all the backups with the configured settings will be discontinued for the associated devices.

    Can I stop ongoing backups of all devices in one click?

    Yes, you can stop ongoing backups of all devices, in one click.

    To stop ongoing backups,

    1. Klicken Sie auf Remote-Backup against a configured computer and select 'Manage Backup'.
    2. In the backup console, go to the 'Devices' tab.
    3. Select the devices for which you wish to stop the ongoing backup operations.
    4. Click 'Stop all current backups'.
    5. In the confirmation pop-up, click 'Ok'.

    Note: All ongoing backups will stop and will resume at the next schedule. This operation may take some time.

    How can I remove the backup agent from a computer?

    To remove the backup agent from a computer,

    1. Hover on the computer you want to remove the backup agent and click Remote-Backup.
    2. Select 'Remove Backup Agent'.
    3. Click 'Remove Agent'.

    Note: If the backup agent on the remote computer is removed using the control panel, it will still show available for backup but data will not be backed up. If you wish to backup the remote computer again, you must remove it from the Computers list, configure it again for remote access, and then enable backup.

    What is Continuous Data Protection (CDP)? How do I enable CDP?

    The Continuous Data Protection (CDP) feature automatically recognizes the changes made to the files in your backup set and starts the backup operation in near real-time. The temporary files, system files, network / mapped/external drives are excluded from the operation.

    To enable CDP for your computer,

    1. Sign in to your RemotePC account.
    2. Go to 'Backup'.
    3. Click on the computer for which you want to enable CDP.
    4. In the backup console, go to 'Settings' > 'General'.
    5. Enable 'Continuous Data Protection' and set the frequency. Click 'Save Settings'.

    To verify your backup set,

    1. Sign in to your RemotePC account.
    2. Go to 'Backup'.
    3. Click on the computer for which you want to enable CDP.
    4. In the backup console, go to 'Settings' > 'General'.
    5. Enter the required interval and desired time for verifying the backup set.

    What are 'Snapshots' in Remote Backup?

    Snapshots provide a historical view of your data set, stored in your Remote Backup account, enabling point-in-time recovery. They are particularly useful if your files are corrupted by malware and you need to restore them to a previous recovery point.

    A daily snapshot is automatically captured for the entire backed-up data of a computer at that specific point in time. IDrive® 360 provides snapshots up to 90 days. Contact support in case you require snapshots older than 90 days.

    How do I perform snapshot based restore?

    To perform a snapshot-based restore,

    1. Sign in to your RemotePC account.
    2. Go to 'Backup'
    3. Click on the computer for which you want to enable CDP.
    4. In the backup console, go to 'Restore' > 'Snapshots'.
    5. Select the date and time and click 'Submit'. A list of all the data backed up on or before the selected date appears.
    6. Select the required files / folders.
    7. Choose the computer and the restore location where you wish to restore your files / folders.
    8. Click 'Restore to <computer name>'.

    To restore a specific version of the file,

    1. Right-click on the file you want to restore.
    2. Click 'Version' to see all available versions of the file.
    3. Klicken Sie auf Remote-Backup next to the version you want to restore.

    Note: The snapshot-based restore functionality applies only to accounts created/devices added on or after 03-05-2024.

    Can I backup my mapped / external drives with RemotePC?

    Yes, you can backup all your mapped / external drives.

    To backup your mapped / external drives,

    1. Klicken Sie auf Remote-Backup against a configured computer and select 'Manage Backup'.
    2. Navigate to the 'Devices' tab in the backup console.
    3. Hover over the computer where the mapped / external drives are connected, and click remotepc. The remote management console appears.
    4. Click 'Change' and select the mapped / external drive connected to your computer, for backup.
    5. The selected drive appears under the 'Mapped and external drive files for online backup' section.
    6. Click 'Backup Now'.

    Note: The mapped / external drives must be available at the time of backup.

    How do I restore my backed up data to a new computer in case my system crashes?

    To restore your backed up data,

    1. Klicken Sie auf Remote-Backup against a configured computer and select 'Manage Backup'.
    2. In the backup console go to the 'Devices' tab, hover over the computer you wish to restore and click.
    3. Go to the 'Restore' tab. If you had set a private encryption key while signing in to the application for the first time, then provide the same.
    4. Choose 'Restore files from my RemotePC account' if you want to restore files from the cloud or select 'Restore files from my local device' if you want to restore files from a local device.
    5. Select the folder(s) to restore.
      • Click to choose a restore location on the local computer.
      • Click 'Change' if you want to perform the restore on a different computer. Choose the desired machine and click 'Yes'.
    6. Click 'Restore to <computer name>'.

    Can I update the RemotePC Backup application for all my users?

    Admin of RemotePC account can update / reinstall the application for all users or particular groups.

    To update / reinstall application,

    1. Klicken Sie auf Remote-Backup against a configured computer and select 'Manage Backup'.
    2. In the backup console go to 'Settings'.
    3. Click 'Update software automatically'.
    4. Click 'Save Settings'.

    Can I view reports of my backup / restore operations?

    Yes, you can view, schedule as well as download reports of your backup / restore operations.

    To view reports,

    1. Klicken Sie auf Remote-Backup against a configured computer and select 'Manage Backup'.
    2. In the backup console go to the 'Reports' tab.
    3. You can view alerts, and reports based on duration:
      • Alerts - Choose the Alerts tab to view the active alerts details
      • Daily Activities - View the daily account activities
      • Weekly Activities - View the account activities, based on per week
      • Summary - Choose the Summary tab to view the overall activity summary

    To download reports, click 'Download' and select PDF or Excel format to save the file.

    You can schedule and send the reports of your backup / restore operations on a daily or weekly basis.

    To schedule and send the report through email,

    1. Click 'Email Report'.
    2. In the window that appears, enter the name and email addresses of the recipient(s) and choose the report type and the file format for the report.
    3. Click 'Send'.


    Enable the 'Schedule' button to select the day and time to schedule the reports. Click 'Schedule'.

    You can view all the scheduled reports under the 'View Scheduled Reports' section. You can also edit or delete the scheduled reports.

    To view and modify a scheduled report,

    1. Click 'View Scheduled Reports'. All the scheduled reports will be listed.
    2. Hover on the report name you wish to edit and click remotepc. Make the required changes and click 'Save' to save the changes.
    3. To delete a particular report, hover on the same and click remotepc. Click 'Delete' in the confirmation pop that appears.